Neighborhood Wide Rummage Sale June 8
Neighborhood Barbeque June 20
June 20th is the neighborhood BBQ at the Maple Circle cul-de-sac. Please bring chairs for your party, a dish to share, and any party games you would like to share. Time is from 6pm – 8pm. Volunteers are asked to sign up to bring their grills. They can do this on the Facebook page or emailing an officer.
The Rolling Hills Homeowners Association
Welcome to our residents and visitors!
Rolling Hills is an attractive subdivision on the east side of Spearfish, SD which has been rated as one of the nation’s best small towns in terms of quality of life and availability of amenities. The subdivision comprises 72 residential home sites in a welcoming community setting. Open space associated with the High Plains Heritage Center borders Rolling Hills to the south, the Falcon Crest community which includes Edgewood Vista Senior Living adjoins to the west and mixed residential and open space lies to the north and east. Access to Spearfish is easy and following Exit 14 reconstruction nearby services and amenities will be easily reached. Significant park development is promised by the city for recently acquired property nearby.
Rolling Hills is a covenant controlled community with standards for home design, landscaping, and fencing which ensure protection of property values, safety and quality of life. The following pages on this website will explain the structure of your HOA volunteer Board of Directors and Officers, include copies of the governing documents, provide information for prospective buyers, and include links to Spearfish City ordinances on parking, animal control and snow removal.
Please explore your new website and contact any of your HOA management with questions or suggestions for improvement.